
RaiseTheVarr has been pivotal in helping me transform my life, health, and body. From fat to figure competitor! Thank you for all of your help with my health and fitness journey and losing over 60 pounds!

Vania – Indiana

I began working with RaiseTheVarr in January 2019. By April, I had lost 40 pounds! My nutrition program was customized specifically for me based on my goals and preferences, making it enjoyable and easy to follow. LaVarr has guided me throughout the entire program, and I couldn’t be happier. Do yourself a favor and sign up today, you’ll end up healthier before you know it!

Steve – Pennsylvania

RaiseTheVarr has completely changed my life by helping me lose over 70 pounds! I cannot even begin to put into words how thankful I am for everything LaVarr has done for me! I am in the best shape of my life and feel amazing-inside and out! Thanks to RaiseTheVarr meal plans, my body is being fueled by a balanced diet and proper nutrients. I am extremely happy with my results and would recommend RaiseTheVarr to anyone!

Isaac – Indiana

Effective and productive! The two best words I can use to describe RaiseTheVarr. I am in the absolute best shape of my life, and it is all thanks to RaiseTheVarr. I have seen tremendous results because of the dedication to each client’s success. My busy lifestyle prevents me from having the necessary time needed for meal planning. With RaiseTheVarr, every detail is covered.

Dawayne- Indiana

I have been working with RaiseTheVarr for the past five years. Over this time, LaVarr has helped transform my body and life. He is no longer just my health and nutrition coach; he is a close friend and true confidant. RaiseTheVarr provides weekly accountability guidance and continues to help me achieve all my health and wellness goals. My meal plans are delicious and nutritious. Every detail is personalized for my success, and the included grocery lists are a game changer! Many thanks to LB! I owe you the years you’ve added to life!

Dave – Wisconsin