Bodybuilding Contest Preparation Package

16-Week Program Transformational Contest Prep- (timeframe depends on current physical conditioning) 

Are you a novice bodybuilder, national competitor, or even a pro looking to take your body to the next level? RaiseTheVarr’s 16-week transformational contest prep package is designed for individuals, just like you, looking to take their bodies to limits they never thought possible. We all know the importance of nutrition in bodybuilding (80% of your prep is nutrition based) when trying to achieve impossibly low levels of body fat and maintain lean muscle mass. RaiseTheVarr specializes in nutrition, enabling you to bring the total package to the stage. All of the following services are included in your package:

  • Discovery call (30-45 minutes)
  • Evaluation of competition/body composition goals and physical conditioning based on discovery call, intake forms, food journal entry, and current training program
  • Weekly customized meal plans designed for every level of competitor
  • Detailed recipes for each meal
  • Complete grocery list based on weekly meal plan
  • Hydration, electrolyte, and fueling instruction for training and competition
  • Recommended body composition changes: i.e., weight gain, body fat loss, muscle gain, etc.
  • Specialized supplementation recommendations
  • Tailored cardiovascular training
  • Weekly progress assessments based on submitted photos (changes will be made accordingly based on progress)
  • Weekly phone sessions via phone and/or WebEx
  • Every contest detail covered (tanning, macro-manipulation, hydration, supplementation, etc.)
  • Follow up, and check-in appointments may be more frequent depending on individual needs and progressions
  • Coaching on-site requests (show day) will be discussed at the beginning of the package. All expenses will be added to starting costs. If interested, this will be discussed further

Cost Starting At*: $1,800

*All prices are subject to vary based on the individual client’s needs and customized competition program.